
Typically, when you first create a document, you use the New Document wizard to select the printer that you want to print the document to.However, in some cases, you might want to send your print job to a different printer.To do this, you can use the options on the Print dialog or the Printer Name Options dialog to select the printer that you want.


  1. 在「檔案」功能表上按一下「列印」,以開啟「列印」對話方塊。或者,也可以按一下主工具列上的 圖示。

  2. 在「名稱」清單中,選取所需的印表機。

  3. Optionally, click Document Properties and/or Printer Properties to view or modify the settings for the selected printer.

  4. 按一下「列印」以列印文件。或者,也可以按一下「關閉」返回範本,而不執行列印作業。

If you previously configured the document to obtain the printer name from a database field, a data source, or a data entry form, the Name list is read-only.To reconfigure the document to obtain the printer name from the Print dialog, follow these steps:

  1. Next to the Name list, click .

  2. In the Printer Name Source area of the Printer Name Options dialog, select Specify printer name in print dialog, and then click OK.

  3. 在「名稱」清單中,選取所需的印表機。

關閉To select a printer by using a database field

  1. Connect your document to a database that contains the exact name of the printer that you want to use.For more information about how to do this, refer to Connecting to a Database.

  2. 在「檔案」功能表上按一下「列印」,以開啟「列印」對話方塊。或者,也可以按一下主工具列上的 圖示。

  3. Next to the Name list, click .

  4. In the Printer Name Source area of the Printer Name Options dialog, select Get printer name from database field.

  5. In the Database Field list, select the database field that contains the name of the printer that you want, and then click OK.

  6. In the Print dialog, click Print to print the document.或者,也可以按一下「關閉」返回範本,而不執行列印作業。

關閉To select a printer by using a data source

You can configure your document to use certain types of data sources, such as VBScript or an external file, to obtain the name of the printer that you want to use.為此,請依照以下步驟進行:

  1. 在「檔案」功能表上按一下「列印」,以開啟「列印」對話方塊。或者,也可以按一下主工具列上的 圖示。

  2. Next to the Name list, click .

  3. In the Printer Name Source area of the Printer Name Options dialog, select Get printer name from data source.

  4. In the left navigation pane, click Data Source.

  5. On the Data Source tab, click next to the Type field, and then use the Change Data Source Type wizard to select and configure the data source.

  6. Click OK to close the Printer Name Options dialog.

  7. 按一下「列印」以列印文件。或者,也可以按一下「關閉」返回範本,而不執行列印作業。

For more information about data sources, refer to Working with Data Sources.

關閉To select a printer at print time by using a data entry form

This option is available when a control on the data entry form is connected to the list of available printers.At print time, the print operator uses the data entry form to specify the printer to use.

  1. 在「檔案」功能表上按一下「列印」,以開啟「列印」對話方塊。或者,也可以按一下主工具列上的 圖示。

  2. Next to the Name list, click .

  3. In the Printer Name Source area of the Printer Name Options dialog, select Chosen via data entry form, and then click OK.

  4. 按一下「列印」以列印文件。或者,也可以按一下「關閉」返回範本,而不執行列印作業。

關閉To connect a control to the printer list

  1. On the data entry form, add the control that you want the print operator to use at print time to select the printer.

  2. 按兩下控制項,以開啟控制項屬性對話方塊。或者,也可以用右鍵按一下控制項,然後按一下「屬性」。

  3. 在左側導覽窗格中,按一下「連結的資料來源」。

  4. In the Data sources area, click Printer, and then click Close.
