列印 |
BarTender offers a wide array of printing options.
After you complete your template design, you can print your document by using the Print dialog, where you can specify most of the printing options that BarTender provides.
Use the Print Preview mode to view your print job exactly as it will appear on your printed items on a single page of stock.The items that are displayed show the results of processed VBScripts, data that was pulled from a connected database, user input from data entry forms and query prompts, and the number of requested copies or serial numbers that will be printed.
可針對文件中的多個設計元素設定條件式列印,包括範本物件、層和背景,甚至包括範本本身。To do this, you use the When to Print dialog, where you can create conditional expressions that specify the conditions or rules under which the specific element on your document will be printed.
某些印表機可以在紙張的正反面進行列印。此功能稱為「雙面列印」或「自動雙面」列印,可以提高列印效率並減少列印工作使用的紙張數量。BarTender supports double-sided printing and separate front and back designs.
Typically, you select a printer in the New Document wizard when you create your BarTender document.However, depending on the type of items that you're printing or the availability of printers, you might need to send your print job to a different printer.BarTender provides built-in support for PDF printing, and you can also save a print job to a file in the printer's language rather than directly to a printer.
可使用「列印數量選項」對話方塊確定列印工作中的項目數從外部來源 (例如資料庫) 擷取,還是在「列印」對話方塊中指定。
After you set up one or more database connections by using the Database Setup dialog, you can view, sort, and filter the list of records from the database to determine what data is printed.
When you start a print job, you might encounter one or more print-time dialogs before the printing begins, depending on what features you are using for your document.
可設定 BarTender 以將列印工作資訊記錄到文字檔案。可指定設定以在日誌檔中包括特定資料,並指定文字檔案中記錄的資料來源。
To support various print systems, BarTender provides printer code template generation.「印表機碼範本」包含大多數本機印表機代碼,但是還包含分隔欄位,供列印系統識別並用於合併使用者輸入資訊。提供了大量對話方塊,以幫助您建立和自訂印表機碼範本。
Use this functionality to modify print code that is sent to a printer or printer code template.You can construct and test printer code modifier actions on existing print code files, and printer code modifiers can be extended to include scripting with VBScript if the requirements are more complex.
如果您遇到了列印問題,請按照本主題中的程序確定如何解決您的問題。If you still experience difficulties with printing your documents, you can contact our Technical Support team for further help.