More Fill Options Dialog

Use the More Fill Options dialog to apply complex visual elements to the font, line, and fill properties of various objects and data entry controls in BarTender and to the templates and data entry forms themselves. In addition to changing the color, you can create a color gradient that causes one color to gradually change into another color, or you can select a pattern, texture, or picture to apply to the selected property.

To access the More Fill Options dialog, click Gradient, Pattern, or Texture on the Color Picker.

The following fill options are available.


When you select None, any color or fill elements that were applied to the selected object or control are removed.


When you select Solid, BarTender uses a solid color for the selected property. The following options are available:


A gradient is an effect in which one color fades into another color. Gradients can be used to fill shapes or to provide color variations for borders, lines, and text, and can also be used to fill the template or data entry form.

You can create a gradient by using one or more of the following methods:

The following options are available for creating a gradient.

Gradient Type

Gradient Colors

Use gradient stops to customize your gradient at specific locations along the gradient path. Default beginning and end gradient stops are provided, and you can add more stops. You can also customize each stop by defining its unique properties, including color, transparency, and position.

You can add a gradient stop by using one of the following methods:

The following options are available:


A pattern is a set of repeated dots or lines that can be used to fill shapes or provide an interesting appearance for borders, lines, and text, and it can also be used to fill the template or data entry form. BarTender is installed with many predefined patterns to choose from.

ClosedPicture or Texture

Use the Picture or Texture fill option to apply either a picture or a predefined texture to the selected object's font, line, or fill property or to the template or data entry form.

You can customize your selected picture or texture fill by using the following options.

Get Picture From

Use the Get Picture From section to select a fill from either a predefined texture or a graphic file on your computer, scanner, or camera, as follows:

Tiling Options

When you select Tile, BarTender repeats the selected picture or texture across all of the selected property or template based on the following specifications:

To import images from a scanner or camera device, you must set up the device by using the Scanner and Camera Setup dialog. This enables BarTender to communicate with the device so that the pictures on the device are available for selection.

Stretch Options

When you select Stretch, BarTender increases the size of the selected picture or texture by the percentage values that are specified in the Stretch Options section. Only positive percentage values can be used.

Depending on the values that you provide, clipping and distortion of the picture or tile might occur.


The Transparency option specifies the degree to which colors and objects that are under the image can be seen. The range is from 0 (opaque) to 100 (completely transparent). For more information, refer to Transparency.

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