Modifying Properties for Multiple Selected Objects

You can modify multiple objects at one time by using a process that is similar to the process for modifying individual objects. First, you must select the objects to be modified by using one of the following methods: 

The Object Properties dialog lists the property pages for the master selected object for the group in the navigation pane. It also lists the property pages that can be used for group edits under Multiple Selected Objects in the navigation pane.

"Master selected object" is a temporary designation for the object that you clicked to open the Object Properties dialog. On the template, you can recognize the master selected object by the green selection border that outlines it. The secondary selected objects are outlined with gray selection borders.

Depending on the types of objects that are included in the group, the property pages that are listed under Multiple Selected Objects include the following:

If you want to modify each object's individual properties, click the icon at the top of the navigation pane to open the All Objects view. This view lists each object as a separate entity so that you can modify the individual property pages of each object in the group and the position of each object within the selected group. Click the icon to return to the default view.

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