Substitute Best Matching Printer Font

Printer font substitution is available only when you print to a thermal printer that has Drivers by Seagullâ„¢ installed.

Windows TrueType font technology makes it possible for your thermal printer to print designer typefaces that were formerly available only on PostScript laser printers. However, on thermal printers, TrueType fonts are typically manipulated and printed as graphics, which can be quite slow to download and print, especially when you print through a serial port.

Increasing Printer Speed

At print time, the Substitute Best Matching Printer Font option replaces the selected TrueType font with the built-in printer font that most closely resembles it. Depending on the complexity of the document that you are printing, this may significantly increase the speed at which your items are printed, especially if the text in question changes from item to item.

When you first design the template for a document that is configured to be printed to a thermal printer, any text fields that you create are automatically set to a font that is built in to your printer. In this situation, font substitution is not used. However, if you design a template that uses a laser printer or a different brand of thermal printer, your text is printed with the TrueType font unless you enable font substitution.

When you use TrueType font substitution, you can create a single template and then print it at high speed on multiple brands of thermal printers without having to individually set up a different template for each specific printer.

Print-Time TrueType Font Warning

When one or more objects on a template are configured to be printed by using a TrueType font, you will receive a warning at the start of a print job. For more information, refer to True Type Font Warning Dialog.

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