Supported HTML Tags |
Text Formatting: tags used to format text output, such as bold or italic.
<b> defines bold text.
<big> defines big text.
<i> defines italicized text.
<small> defines small text.
<code> defines coded
<sub> defines subscripted text.
<sup> defines superscripted text.
Paragraph Formatting: tags used to separate large amounts of text.
<p> defines a paragraph of text.
<blockquote> defines a long quotation.
<br /> defines a single line break.
Images: tags used to insert images.
<img> defines an image at a specified source path.
Lists: tags used to create ordered or unordered lists.
<ul> defines an unordered or bulleted list.
<ol> defines an ordered or numbered list.
<li> defines an item in a list.
Tables: tags used to organize text into tables.
<table> defines a table.
<tr> defines a row in a table.
<td> defines a data cell within a table.
When formatting with HTML, you can also use style sheets to access advanced formatting techniques, such as coloring objects, or specifying the position of an object.
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