Main Menu Reference

The BarTender main menu bar contains menus that control various aspects of BarTender.

In This Section

The following menus are available.



File Menu

Use the File menu to open, save, and print the documents that you create with BarTender.

Edit Menu

Use the Edit menu to cut, copy, paste, and delete one or more objects from a template or one or more data entry controls and objects from the data entry form.

View Menu

Use the View menu to customize the design area for both templates and forms, switch between the Template Design view and the Data Entry Form view, and customize the application toolbars.

Create Menu

Use the Create menu to add objects to your templates and to add objects and data entry controls to your data entry forms.

Arrange Menu

Use the Arrange menu to combine multiple objects together into a group that can be moved as a single object and to access advanced methods for positioning objects and data entry controls.

Administer Menu

Use the Administer menu to configure BarTender's administrative and application settings.

Tools Menu

Use the Tools menu to launch other applications in the BarTender Suite and to access the User Preferences dialog.

Window Menu

Use the Window menu to define and switch between one or more additional views of a document's templates and data entry forms.

Help Menu

Use the Help menu to access help and product information about BarTender.