Rows Property Page

Use the Rows property page to add and delete rows and to specify alignment, height, and other options for each row in a Layout Grid or Table object.

The following options are available.


The Rows pane lists the rows as they appear from top to bottom in the object. When you select a row in the Rows pane, its properties are displayed in the Row Properties pane.

The rows toolbar is located at the bottom of the Rows pane and includes the following controls:

Row Properties

The Row Properties pane lists the properties for the row that is selected in the Rows pane. The properties that are available depend on whether you are configuring rows for a layout grid object or for a table object.

ClosedLayout Grid Object


ClosedTable Object



Table Data

Table Data options are available for rows in a table object when the Table Data setting is set to Arranged in Rows on the Table Data property page. Otherwise, the Table Data options are not available in the Row Properties pane, and the default content type is Data.

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