Using Global Data Fields

A global data field is a data source that is stored in the BarTender System Database, which makes the data source available to any document that is opened in an instance of BarTender that is connected to the same System Database.

To understand the benefit of using a global data field, consider a company that ships products with a unique serial number (counter) that needs to be shared with documents across their network. In this case, both the shipping labels and the packing slips must include the serial number of the product. A typical solution is to set up two separate serialization sequences running in parallel and then to hope that nothing causes them to become unsynchronized. By using global data fiends, you can share the counter between the two documents so that the serial number is always synchronized.

To use global data fields, you must first configure the BarTender System Database. For information on how to set up the BarTender System Database, refer to System Database in the Administration Console book of the BarTender help system.

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