Printer Code Template Field

The Printer Code Template Field data source specifies that the object receives its data from a printer code template that represents an external print system, such as a keyboard terminal, XML-enabled printer, or ERP system.

ClosedTo create a text object that has a Printer Code Template Field data source

  1. In the Toolbox, click the Data Sources tab to show the Data Sources pane.

  2. If necessary, expand the Printer Code Template Fields node to display the available Printer Code Template Field data sources.

  3. Drag the Printer Code Template Field data source that you want from the Data Sources pane to the location on the template where you want the object.

You can configure the properties of this data source by using the Data Sources property page of the Object Properties dialog. You can identify a Printer Code Template Field data source in the navigation pane of the Object Properties dialog by the icon. For more information about the properties that you can specify for the data source, refer to Data Sources Property Page.

You can also replace an existing data source with a Printer Code Template Field data source or add a Printer Code Template Field data source to an object's already existing data sources. For more information about how to do this, refer to Configuring Data Sources.

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