Print Job Field

Use the Print Job Field data source to obtain print job data that you want to be printed on your items. This data can include page numbers, application versions, document comments, total number of pages, and so on.

ClosedTo create a text object that has a Print Job Field data source

  1. In the Toolbox, click the Data Sources tab to show the Data Sources pane.

  2. Drag the Print Job Field data source that you want from the Data Sources pane to the location on the template where you want the object.

You can also create a text or barcode object that has a Print Job Field data source by adding a new text or barcode object to your template and then replacing that object's default Embedded Data data source with a Print Job Field data source. You can also add an Print Job Field data source to an object's already existing data sources. For information about how to do this, refer to Configuring Data Sources.

You can configure the properties of this data source by using the Data Sources property page of the Object Properties dialog. You can identify a Print Job Field data source in the navigation pane of the Object Properties dialog by the icon. For more information about the properties that you can specify and the types of print job data that you can select for the data source value, refer to Data Sources Property Page.

ClosedPrint Job Field Types

The following print job field types are available.

Print Job Field Type


Application Edition

The edition of BarTender (For example, Enterprise, Automation, and Professional)

Application Version

The version of BarTender (for example, 2016 R4, 2016 R7, and 2019)

Computer Name

The name of the computer on which BarTender is currently running

Document Comment

Any comments that are attached to the document's metadata

Document Last Modified Time

The last time the document was modified

Document Latest Save Number

The number of times the document has been saved

Document Name

The name of the document

Document Revision

The current revision number of the document

Page Number

The current page number

Printer Model

The model of the printer that will print the document

Printer Name

The name of the printer that will print the document

Printer Port

The port that is associated with the printer that will print the document

Print Job Name

The name of the print job that includes the document

Print Job Start Time

The start time of the print job

Printed Template Number

The number of the template on the page layout

Printed Template Numbers on Page

The range of templates on the page

Record Number

The record number of the document

Record Numbers on Page

The range of record numbers on the page

Total Number of Pages

The number of pages to be printed

Total Number of Printed Items

The total number of printed items on the page

Total Number of Records

The total number of records on the page

Template Name

The name of the template

User Name

The Windows user name that is associated with the document

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