Building Conditional Expressions |
You can create a conditional expression when more than one condition must be met before the action is performed. A conditional expression enables you to combine two or more conditions into a single expression. Even the most complex expressions are composed of simple conditional statements, which are then combined together with conditional joiners to create a final result.
Depending on the conditional action that you want to configure, you can create a conditional statement or expression by using one of the following dialogs:
When to Print: Use the When to Print dialog to specify when you want specific layers, templates, backgrounds and objects to print.
When to Show: Use the When to Show dialog to specify when want a specific data entry form to be displayed.
Database Setup: Use the following property pages of the Database Setup dialog to create database joins and filter returned record sets:
Multi-Database Join: Use the Multi-Database Join property page to join multiple databases and tables into a single record.
Filter: Use the Filter property page to filter the returned record set.
Suppression: Use the Suppression dialog to specify when you want the contents of a specific data source to be ignored.
A conditional statement is structured just like a sentence, namely a subject (the data source), a verb (the operator), and an object (the value). A conditional expression is simply two or more conditional statements that are joined together to create a more complex condition that you want evaluate. You can create conditional statements and conditional expressions by understanding the information that is needed to create them.
Data Source: This is the "subject" of the conditional statement. A typical data source may be a data source of the document or a database field of a database connected to the document.
Operator: This is the "verb" of the sentence. An operator (sometimes referred to as a conditional operator) determines the relationship between the data source and the value. A typical operator is something like Equals, Does not equal, Is greater than, and so on. For more information about conditional operators, refer to Conditional Operators Reference.
Value: This is the "object" of the sentence upon which the data source value is compared to. You enter or select the value to complete a conditional statement. A conditional statement might look like "Template 1 Equals US Mail" or "Template 2 Does not equal UPS".
Conditional Joiner: Conditional joiners enable you to join two or more conditional statements to form a new criteria and create a conditional expression. A conditional expression might look like "If Template 1 Equals US Mail And Template 2 Does not equal UPS. For more information about conditional joiners, refer to Conditional Joiners Reference.
To build a conditional expression, you must know how to customize conditions, add conditions, and add groups of conditions. General instructions are as follows.
The user interface may vary within BarTender's conditional expression dialogs. |
To customize an existing expression
To add a new group of conditions
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