Execute Actions

Use execute actions to group a subset of actions, send script commands, manipulate database records, and set variables for use by other actions.




Specifies a subgroup of actions for a process. The actions in the group can be run repeatedly in sequence or in parallel.

While Loop

Specifies that a group of one or more actions continues to run sequentially as long as the specified condition continues to be satisfied.

For Loop

Specifies that a group of one or more actions continues to run sequentially until a specified value is reached by either incrementing or decrementing an assigned variable value with each loop iteration.

For Each Database Record

Runs a database query and actions for each record.

For Each File in Folder

Runs a group of one or more actions on every file in a folder that matches the specified criteria.

For Each File in Archive

Runs a group of one or more actions on every file in an archive folder that matches the specified criteria.

Select Case

Creates one or more Case sub-actions and a single Default action, and specifies a variable that is evaluated to determine which of those actions to run.

Go To

Jumps to a specified action to continue the run operation.


Stops all actions for the process in which it is running.

Shell Command

Runs a shell command that can be used to run operating system commands or third-party utilities.

Power Shell Command

Runs a Windows PowerShell command.

Set Variable

Sets the value of a single variable.

Set Multiple Variables

Sets the values of one or more variables.

Increment Variable

Specifies a variable whose value you want to be incremented each time the action is run.

Decrement Variable

Specifies a variable whose value you want to be decremented each time the action is run.


Specifies a time period that elapses before the action finishes. You can use this action to create a pause in sequential actions.

Wait for File

Monitors a specified folder for a defined file type. When the file is detected, the action finishes and enables subsequent actions to run.

Print Document

Directs the Integration Service to print a specific BarTender document each time the process file runs.

Print BTXML Script

Sends BarTender XML script to BarTender to process the code and complete the tasks that the code defines.

Print Batch

Prints multiple BarTender documents in a legacy Batch Maker batch file.