Test Tab

Use the Test tab to test an individual integration in your integration file or to test an individual action for any integration in the integration file. By using the controls on this tab, you can start and stop the integration, repeat an integration event, run a simulated print job, capture and use sample data, and test an individual action.

The Test tab ribbon provides the following controls:

: Starts the integration.

: Stops the integration.

: Repeats the integration's last event.

: Specifies that during the test, the integration and actions run without printing any physical items. A simulated print result is generated and saved to a temporary folder where you can view it.

: Starts the Sample Data wizard to add a sample from a captured integration event.

: Displays a list of recently used sample data items. Click a recently used sample data item or click More Samples to open the Select Sample dialog, where you can browse for and select available sample items. Click Sample File to open the Open File dialog, where you can select a sample data file to run as an event.

: Displays a list of sample data sources. The available options are as follows: 

: Opens the Test Action dialog so that you can configure and test the action that is selected in the integration components pane.

: Opens the Open File dialog so that you can browse to the BTXML file that you want to test. Double-click the file to run and test it.

When you click the Test tab, the Test view appears. For more information, refer to Test View.

For more information about how to test your integrations, refer to Testing an Integration.