Setting Up the BarTender System Database |
The BarTender System Database is the central data storage for applications in the BarTender Suite. It includes data such as the following:
Events that are encountered by any BarTender application (such as error messages and "pop-up" dialogs)
Information about each print job that is sent from BarTender (such as the document that was printed and the time the job was sent)
Security checks that are defined in Administration Console
Template designs and preview images (for subsequent reprinting)
Librarian files and revision information
The default BarTender System Database is created when you install BarTender. It uses Microsoft SQL Server Express, which is free but which has a 10 GB database size limit. If you want multiple computers to share a centralized database, or if you have a single computer logging a high volume of print jobs, you may want to use your own database server.
You can run the BarTender System Database Setup wizard from Administration Console after you install BarTender. By using the wizard, you can create a centralized system database, or connect to an existing centralized system database.
For more information about how to create, administer, and maintain the BarTender System Database, refer to the System Database section of the BarTender help system.