Network Setup Dialog

Use the Network Setup dialog, which you can access from the Administer menu, to configure how Printer Maestro connects to computers across the network. By using the Network Setup dialog, you can import settings from other running instances of Printer Maestro, export the current settings, or save a snapshot of the current network configuration.

The following tabs are available.

ClosedNetwork Tab

Use the Network tab to configure some of Printer Maestro's network and data storage settings. These settings affect how Printer Maestro interacts with its peers. A peer is another computer that is running the Printer Maestro service.

Network Settings

Data Storage Location

If you switch data storage locations, you should first back up any database settings by using the Export option on the Administration tab. After you change the data storage location, you can restore these settings by using the Import function.

ClosedAdministration Tab

Use the Administration tab export or import Printer Maestro settings to a file. You can also restore the selected settings to their default configurations.

ClosedDiagnostics Tab

The settings on the Diagnostics tab are intended to help the Technical Support team investigate any problems that you encounter with your installation. Do not use or adjust these settings unless you are instructed to do so by a support technician.