ツールバー |
使用できるツールバーの一覧は、[表示] メニューまたはツールバーのコンテキストメニューからアクセスできます。 ツールバーに表示されるボタンは、[カスタマイズ] ダイアログを使用して変更できます。また、既存のツールバーからアイコンを削除することや、独自のツールバーを作成することもできます。
メインツールバーには、[ファイル] および [編集] メニューで最も一般的に使用される多くのコマンドとダイアログへのショートカットが含まれます。
保存: Saves the active document.
ページ設定: [ページ設定] ダイアログを開きます。
データベース接続設定: Opens the Database Setup dialog, where you can connect to a variety of relational database systems and data file types.
印刷: Opens the Print dialog, where you can print the active document.
印刷プレビュー: Opens a Print Preview, where you can see exactly how your document will appear when printed.
切り取り: Deletes a selected object from the design area and places it on the Clipboard.
コピー: Copies a selected object on the design area and places the copy on the Clipboard.
貼り付け: Copies the current contents of the Clipboard onto the design area.
元に戻す:Click to undo the last action.
やり直し: Click to redo the previously undone action.
選択: Changes the cursor to the standard pointer used to select objects and options.
Format Painter: Copies the format of the selected object and applies to another object. Double-click the icon to apply the same format to multiple items. For more information, refer to Copying an Object's Style.
データ編集: Activates the Data Edit dialog used to edit data for barcode and text objects.
データ入力コントロール: Adds a data entry control to the form. Use the dropdown arrow to select the data entry control you want. Available on data entry forms only.
バーコード: Adds a barcode to the design area. Use the dropdown arrow to select the barcode you want. Not available on data entry forms.
テキスト: Adds a text object to the design area. Use the dropdown arrow to select the type of text you want.
ライン: Adds a line to the design area.
図形: Adds a shape to the design area. Use the dropdown arrow to select the shape you want.
ピクチャ: Adds a picture to the design area. Use the dropdown arrow to select the source of the desired picture.
エンコーダ: Adds an encoder object to the design area. Encoder objects include RFID, magnetic stripe, and smart card technologies.
拡大: Increases the zoom level.
縮小: Decreases the zoom level.
長方形にズーム: テンプレートの選択した部分を拡大するズームツールをアクティブにします。
デザイン範囲をウィンドウに合わせる:Sets the zoom so that the template fills the entire window.
オブジェクトまたはルーラーにスナップ: Enables snapping objects to align with other objects, or with the ruler if there are no other objects nearby.
グリッドの表示: Toggles the grid on and off.
並べ替えツールバーには、[整列] および [回転] ダイアログのオプションへのショートカットが含まれています。
左端に整列: Aligns the left edges of the selected objects with the master selected object.
右端に整列: Aligns the right edges of the selected objects with the master selected object.
上に整列: Aligns the top edges of the selected objects with the master selected object.
下に整列: Aligns the bottom edges of the selected objects with the master selected object.
Align Horizontal Centers: Aligns the selected objects horizontally with the master selected object.
Align Vertical Centers: Aligns the centers of the selected objects vertically with the master selected object.
領域に横中央揃え: Centers the selected objects horizontally within a rectangular region such as a box or an area subdivided by lines.
領域に縦中央揃え: Centers the selected objects vertically within a rectangular region such as a box or an area subdivided by lines.
Center Horizontally on Template: Centers the selected objects horizontally on the template.
Center Vertically on Template: Centers the selected objects vertically on the template.
Space Evenly, Horizontal: Evenly spaces the selected objects horizontally.
Space Evenly, Vertical: Evenly spaces the selected objects vertically.
Rotate Left: Rotates the selected object(s) 90 degrees to the left.
Rotate Right: Rotates the selected object(s) 90 degrees to the right.
Rotate 180 Degrees: Rotates the selected object(s) 180 degrees.
Rotate Left 1 Degree: Rotates the selected object(s) 1 degree to the left.
Rotate Right 1 Degree: Rotates the selected object(s) 1 degree to the right.
テキストツールバーには、[フォント] プロパティページのオプションへのショートカットが含まれています。
フォント Specifies the typeface family used in the selected text object(s).
フォントサイズ: Specifies the size of the text used in the selected text object(s).
太字: Makes the text in the selected object(s) bold.
斜体: Makes the text in the selected object(s) italic.
下線: Specifies whether or not the text in the selected object is underlined.
白抜き: Reverses the text colors in the selected object(s) to white on black.
Font Color: Specifies the font color to be used in the text in the selected object(s).
シングルライン: Specifies a single line of text in a multi-line text object.
Align Left: Specifies left aliginment for lines of text in a multi-line object.
Align Center: Specifies center aliginment for lines of text in a multi-line object.
Align Right: Specifies right aliginment for lines of text in a multi-line object.
Justify: Specifies justified aliginment for lines of text in a multi-line object.
Align Distributed: Specifies distributed aliginment for lines of text in a multi-line object.
Arc Clockwise: Specifies clockwise text in an arc.
Arc Counterclockwise: Specifies counterclockwise text in an arc.
線の色: Specifies the line color for the selected object(s).
塗りつぶし色: Specifies the fill color for the selected object(s).
幅: Specifies the line thickness for the selected object(s).
破線の種類: Specifies the line dash style for the selected object(s).
複合スタイル: Specifies the line compound style for the selected object(s).
Use the Toolbar Options dropdown arrow , located at the end of each toolbar, to open the Toolbar Options menu and access hidden tools or specify which butttons are available on a toolbar. Options vary depending on the type of toolbar. For more information, refer to the Toolbar Options Menu section of Customizing Toolbars.
You can modify the visibility, position, or size of the toolbars.
You can specify the toolbars that appear by default, add and remove shortcuts on a toolbar, create new toolbars, and delete toolbars.