Events Setup Dialog

From the Events Setup dialog, you can enable or disable the selected event target and you can set up criteria to filter which event notifications are sent by the event target.  You may set up filter criteria using either the Basic or Advanced modes.  Basic mode allows you to easily set up the most common filter criteria.  Advanced mode allows you to create complex filters by creating individual filter criteria and combining them into groups.

ClosedBasic Mode

Basic mode allows you to set up filters using event severity and category as criteria.  Basic mode is powerful enough to solve most needs.  A description of the controls follows.

Event Selection

ClosedAdvanced Mode

Advanced mode allows you to create complex filters by creating individual filter criteria and combining them into groups.

A criteria is the basic building block of a filter. A criteria tests one condition. For example, "Severity <<Is Equal>> Warning, Error" would be true if the event had a severity of Warning or Error. And "Printer Location <<Contains>> Assembly Line" would be true for events that occured on a printer whose location contained the phrase "Assembly Line".

A group is a logical grouping of filter elements. Those elements can include both criteria and other groups. A group can be either an And group or an Or group. In an And group all of the filter criteria or groups must evaluate to true for an event for it to pass the group. In an Or group an event will pass the group if any one of its filter criteria or groups evaluate to true for the event. Groups may be nested as deeply as required to build your desired filter.

The controls for Advanced mode are described below.

Context Menu

By clicking the right mouse button in the Event Selection Criteria control a context menu is displayed which allows you to create a new event filter or edit an existing filter. The commands on the menu are described below.




Changes the selected group to an And group.  (Available only when a group is selected.)


Changes the selected group to an Or group.  (Available only when a group is selected.)

Add Group

Adds a new group to the selected group.  (Available only when a group is selected or the filter is empty.)

Add Criteria

Displays the New Filter dialog which allows you to add a new criteria to the selected group.  (Not available if a criteria is currently selected.)

Edit Criteria

Displays either the Filter by Category, Filter by Severity or Filter by Attribute dialog so you may edit the currently selected criteria.


Cuts the currently selected group or criteria from the filter and stores it in the clipboard so it may be pasted.


Copies the currently selected group or criteria into the clipboard so it may be pasted.


Paste the contents of the clipboard into the currently selected group.  (A criteria may not be selected for the destination of a paste operation.)

Delete Group

Deletes the selected group from the filter.

Delete Criteria

Deletes the selected criteria from the filter.

Clear All

Removes all groups and criteria from the filter.

Drag and Drop

You may also edit the filter by dragging groups or criteria to new locations within the filter.  You may grab a group or filter by pressing and holding the left mouse button.  The selected item may then be dragged to a new location.  Release the mouse button to place the item in the new location.  A group is the only valid destination for a drag and drop operation.