BarTender Command Line Builder Dialog

The BarTender Command Line Builder dialog allows you to build a sequence of BarTender command parameters by selecting options in the graphical user interface. When you are done, the Integration Service will convert your selections into a command line, eliminating the need to memorize commands and reducing the chance of user error.

At the bottom of the BarTender Command Line Builder dialog, the Command Parameters window displays the equivalent command line that will be processed by the Integration Service.

The BarTender Command Line Builder dialog contains the following tabs:


The Documents tab defines the command parameters that specify the BarTender document to open and whether to close and/or save the document when done.


The Print tab defines the command parameters that configure the print job that occurs when the action is executed.

ClosedMedia Handling

The Media Handling tab allows you to specify any special media handling methods you want for the print job.

ClosedText File

The Text File tab defines the command parameters that specify the path and file name of a text data source.

ClosedSAP R/3 IDoc

The SAP R/3 IDoc tab defines the command parameters that specify the path and file name of an IDoc file.


The OLE DB/ODBC tab defines the command parameters that specify the login credentials for an OLE DB or ODBC data source.


The General tab allows you to specify any other command parameters that are not included as options from other tabs in theBarTender Command Line Builder dialog. For a list of available command parameters, refer to the Command Line Parameter Reference in BarTender's help system.

If you receive an invalid parameter error, the parameter may have been deprecated, as is the case with the /W parameter. .For more information about supported command line parameters, refer to Command Line Parameter Reference.