Weighing Scale Configuration

When using scales, BarTender supports the "Command/Response" methodology to communicate with the scale. A command is the set of instructions sent by BarTender to the scale that tells the scale to do something. A response or response pattern is the scale's response to the specified command. Using this "Command/Response" methodology, BarTender polls the scale at a regular interval to request weight data and the scale is expected to respond with the requested weight data within a reasonable amount of time.

While many scales can be configured to continuously send data to the PC, BarTender does not support this unsolicited data-streaming mode. When multiple data modes are supported, the scale must be configured on its front panel to the "Command/Response" mode prior to use with BarTender.

Additionally, some scales can be configured to suppress the weight units in the returned weight data. For BarTender to work correctly, the weight units must not be suppressed.

BarTender uses five basic commands for communicating with the scale:

At a minimum, BarTender requires the scale to support either the Request Immediate Weight or the Request Stable Weight command. All other commands are optional.

BarTender can emulate stable weight and tare features in the software if configured properly. In order for BarTender to support the scale's built-in tare feature, the scale must support the Tare and Get Tare Weight commands. In addition, the scale must have a response format so that BarTender can distinguish the tare weight from the net weight.

Below, you can find information about how the supported scales must be configured in order to communicate with BarTender. For more information, consult the scale's user manual.

ClosedA & D

No additional scale configuration is necessary for use with BarTender.

ClosedAdam AZextra

When using an Adam AZextra scale, BarTender always enables Capture stable weight automatically, and the Capture/Redo button is always visible.

Adam AZextra scales support the following three protocols:

Adam AZextra scales return data only once after acquiring a stable weight. If a redo is required, all items must be removed from the scale to allow it to return to 0, and then put back on the scale for re-weighing.


When using a scale in the DIGI DI-162 series, BarTender communicates to the scale using the Standard Command Type. To configure the correct settings, press the [T] key 3 times on the DIGI display, while holding down the [REZERO] button. The SPEC numbers must have the following settings in order to communicate with BarTender:


Settings (Bits 3 2 1 0)













SPEC numbers 0-2 are not relevant to the scale's communication with BarTender.

SPEC 3-4 control the serial port settings; in this case, baud = 9600, data length = 8 bits, stop bits = 1, no parity, and no handshake.

SPEC 5 calls for the Standard Command Type. This means that the scale will output weight data only in response to the <ENQ> command.

SPEC 6 instructs the scale to return weight data when queried, even if the weight is unstable.

SPEC 7 removes extraneous information, such as the scale number and header, from the data sent to BarTender.

SPEC 8 includes the Status and Weight Condition bytes in the data sent to BarTender.


In order to work with BarTender, the EPL03 protocol must be selected on the scale.


When using the Fairbanks UPS Output protocol, the scale returns data in a predefined format when it receives a <CR> command from BarTender. In order to configure the scale for this mode, the Pr.F (Print Function) menu item should be set to Poll.

In addition, the serial port settings should be configured to match the serial port settings on the computer. Some models, such as the 2455 Series, have fixed serial settings (9600 Baud, 7 Bits, Odd Parity, 2 Stop Bits). When using these scales, the serial port settings on the computer will need to be manually configured to match the settings of the scale. Please consult the scale documentation for any fixed serial settings that your scale may have.


BarTender supports both the Marel M1100 and M2200 scale models. When using the scales with BarTender, the serial port settings on the scale must match those on the computer.

ClosedMettler Toledo

When using a Mettler Toledo scale, BarTender communicates to the scale using the "MT-SICS (Level 1)" protocol. The COM port on the scale needs to be configured to the SICS setting. On the IND560 and similar models, the menu path to the setting is "Setup | Communications | Connections | COM".

Some older models of Mettler Toledo scales do not support the "MT-SICS (Level 1)" protocol, such as the PS60. In these cases, BarTender simply uses the L command to retrieve the weight value from the scale.


When using an Ohaus scale, BarTender uses Ohaus' "IP" and/or "SP" commands to retrieve the weight data from the scale. In order to work, the scale should be configured in the "Command/Response" mode. In doing so, the scale will not continuously send unsolicited data to BarTender.

For scale models in the Ohaus 3000 series, the scale defaults to continuous output upon powering the scale on. To disable the continuous output, you will need to set the "PRINT | A.PRINT" menu item to OFF. Do keep in mind that the menu structure for different Ohaus scales may differ. If you are unable to locate the continuous output option, be sure to consult the scale's user manual.

The data output format on Ohaus scales is highly configurable. On most models, the format is configured using the "CONTENT" menu. The returned weight format should be the numeric weight value followed by the units (e.g., 54.6 lb). Any header information on the model should be disabled.

BarTender does not support the built-in tare feature on the Ohaus scales due to uncertainty in the response format. Because of this, you will not have the option to use the scale's settings in the Tare Control Method option of the Scale Properties dialog. Instead, you will need to use the Use PC option so that BarTender will emulate the scale's tare feature. The scale should be configured to return the gross weight using the "CONTENT" menu.

Tola and Tical weights must be manually configured on the Advanced tab of the Scales Properties dialog when used in conjunction with the Ohaus Navigator scale.


No additional scale configuration is necessary for use with BarTender.

ClosedRice Lake

When using most Rice Lake scales, BarTender communicates to the scale using "EDP Commands". For this protocol to work, the "STREAM CONTINUOUS PORT" option on the scale should be set to OFF. On the Rice Lake 520 and similar models, this setting can be found in the "CONFIGURATION | SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS | EDP COMM PORT" menu.

The Rice Lake TP series and similar scales support a different protocol. BarTender requests weight data using the "C1 C2 <CR> <LF>" command format as specified in the scale's user manual. For these scales, the only configuration is to verify that the serial port settings for the scale match the settings on the computer.


BarTender supports the Scanvaegt 411, 8300, 8400, and 8500 series of scales. In order to make Scanvaegt scales work properly with BarTender, the scale should be set to Requested Serial Output (RSO) mode. Additionally, the serial port settings for the scale must match the settings on the computer.


By default, Soehnle scales return "No data received" if it detects no weight on the scale. To configure the scale so that it returns a value of "0", change the UCAL 6 setting to one (print at G+T=0).