Grouping Objects Together

The Group command in the Arrange menu allows you to combine two or more objects on the template into a single group. After the individual objects have been combined into a group, the entire group can be selected by clicking on any object in the group. Groups of objects can also have certain attributes shared by the objects in the group modified all at once.

For example, you can use your mouse to move an entire group of objects without changing the positioning of the individual objects within the group relative to one another. Or, as a second example, if some of the objects in a group are barcodes, the symbology or density for all of the barcodes in the group can be changed at the same time.

To combine objects into a single group

  1. Using the pointer tool, select the objects that you want to combine. Alternatively, hold down the Shift key while you click each of the desired objects one at a time.

  2. Select the Group command from the Arrange menu.

After the individual objects have been combined into a single group, whichever object you click on to select the group temporarily becomes the master selected object for the group. You can recognize the master selected object by the green selection border outlining it: the secondary selected objects are outlined with gray selection borders.

Modifying grouped objects works similarly to modifying individual objects. To modify the group, simply double-click on it or select Properties from the group's context menu to open the Object Properties dialog. Clicking the icon lists all of the grouped objects in the Navigation Pane, allowing you to edit them all at once.

To break apart a group into individual objects

  1. Select the group that you want to break apart by clicking on one of the objects in the group.

  2. Select the Ungroup command from the Arrange menu.