Print Job Text File Log Setup Dialog

Required Edition

Automation, Enterprise Automation

The Print Job Text File Log Setup dialog, accessible from the Setup button next to Log Print Job Information on the Log Setup dialog, allows you to create a text file that records the content of each print job; by doing so, you can easily track the items printed in your production environment.

ClosedSetup Tab

Log File Options

Log Files

ClosedHeader, Per Printed Item, and Footer Tabs

The options on the Header, Per Printed Item, and Footer tabs specify the information that will be stored in the log file. For example, you may want the print time to be logged for each item. To do so, you would enable the Start Time setting on the Per Printed Item tab. The options you select will display in the Sample Log File at the bottom of the dialog. Refer to Header, Per Printed Item, and Footer Settings for a complete list of the options available in these tabs.

On the Per Printed Item tab, there is an additional option for Data Sources to Log. This option specifies whether the data contained in objects on the template should be included with the data in the log file.