Export Image/Export Template Image Dialogs

The Export Image command, located in the File menu and the Object Properties context menu, allows you to export an entire template or specific objects a template as images from BarTender.

The Export Image command will bring up one of two dialogs:

Export Image

The Export Image dialog appears if one or more objects on the template are selected when the Export Image command is selected. Using this dialog, you can export the selected items on the template as a single image file. If you wish to export the entire template, enable the option Export entire template image. The dialog will then change to the Export Template Image dialog.

If you choose to export a barcode as a graphic, the resulting image file will contain the barcode as well as any quiet zones.

Export Template Image

The Export Template Image dialog appears if no objects on the template are selected when the Export Image command is selected, or if the Export entire template image option is enabled in the Export Image dialog. Using this dialog, you can export the entire template as an image file from BarTender.

Both dialogs contain the following options:

Exclude non-printing objects. When enabled, all objects set to never print on the Selected Object property page will not be exported to an image.


Colors. Specifies the number of colors to be used in the exported bitmap.

Resolution. Specifies the resolution of the bitmap being exported, measured in dots-per-inch (dpi). For the best results, you should generally leave this setting at the default setting of Printer. If you choose to set a Custom resolution, the available range is 20 to 3000 dpi.