List Items Property Page

The List Items property page defines the labels and values for each option in a list control (radio button, list box, or dropdown list). For each possible selection in the list, the value that prints on an item can be the same as the display text, a user-defined value that is different than the display text, or a value that is determined from a Visual Basic Script.

If the option Use same values for Display Text and Data Sources is enabled, the value that you specify as the display text for each available selection in the list will be the value that prints on your item. If you disable this option, then you can specify a value to appear on the data entry form, as well a different value to print on the item when the corresponding list item is selected.

The Visual Basic Script source allows you to write a program that populates the list based on a custom script. When writing your script, each selection in the list is separated from another using a carriage return (vbCr). Each selection is separated from its corresponding data source value using a tab character (vbTab).

Example Using Visual Basic Script

Let us assume that we are selling three products: an orange costs $0.50, a banana costs $0.65, and a muffin costs $1.00. You want the data entry form to display three radio buttons, one for an orange, one for a banana, and one for a muffin. However, when you execute the print job, you want to print the price tag without the product name. To populate the radio button list, you would use the following VB script:

Value = "Orange" + vbTab + "0.5" + vbCr + "Banana" + vbTab + "0.65" + vbCr + "Muffin" + vbTab + "1"

This will populate the list control as follows:

Display Text

Data Source Value







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