Customize Dialog

The Customize dialog, accessible from the Toolbars submenu of the View menu or from the Toolbars context menu, allows you to select the toolbars that appear by default, add and remove shortcuts on a toolbar, create new toolbars, and delete toolbars.

ClosedToolbars Tab

The Toolbars tab defines what toolbars appear by default when you open BarTender and provides you with a way to create custom toolbars.

ClosedCommands Tab

The Commands tab allows you to add shortcuts (also known as commands) to toolbars.

To add a shortcut to a toolbar

  1. Select a category from the list of available categories. The available shortcuts (commands) included in that category appear in the column to the right of the categories list.

  2. Select the desired shortcut by clicking the left mouse button and holding it down while you drag the cursor to the desired toolbar. An insertion bar appears on the toolbar where BarTender will add the new shortcut.

  3. Release the mouse button and the new shortcut appears in the toolbar.

To delete a shortcut from a toolbar

  1. Select the desired shortcut by clicking the left mouse button and holding it down while you drag the cursor away from the toolbar.

  2. Release the mouse button at any point after it is clear of the toolbars. The shortcut disappears.

There is no reset button to return the default toolbars to their original settings. If you add a shortcut to a default toolbar, you must remove it manually. Likewise if you delete a shortcut from a toolbar, you must replace it manually.

Toolbars TabOptions TabReturn to Top

Keyboard Tab

The Keyboard tab allows you to add keyboard assignments to BarTender shortcuts.

To add a Keyboard shortcut to a command

  1. Select a category from the Category dropdown list. The available shortcuts (commands) included in that category appear in the Commands list.

  2. Select the desired shortcut (command) from the Commands list. All keyboard assignments currently associated with that shortcut appear in the Key assignments text box.

  3. Enter a new key assignment by typing the desired key(s), in the desired order, in the Press new shortcut key text box.

  4. Click the Assign button to create the new assignment. The new assignment appears in the Key assignments text box.

If you enter an assignment and then decide to change it before clicking the Assign button, simply type the new key assignment. The new assignment automatically overwrites the old one.

If you enter an assignment that is already being used, a warning message appears informing you that the shortcut is currently assigned and asking you if you want to reassign the shortcut. If you click Yes, BarTender will reassign the shortcut. If you click No, you will return to the Keyboard tab to assign a new sequence to the shortcut.

To change a Keyboard shortcut for a command

  1. Select a category from the Category dropdown list. The available shortcuts (commands) included in that category appear in the Commands list.

  2. Select the desired shortcut (command) from the Commands list. All keyboard shortcuts associated with that shortcut appear in the Key assignments text box.

  3. Select the desired key assignment in the Key assignments text box.

  4. Enter a new key assignment by typing the desired key(s), in the desired order, in the Press new shortcut key text box.

  5. Click the Assign button to create the new assignment. The new assignment appears in the Key assignments text box.

To delete a Keyboard shortcut

  1. Select a category from the Category dropdown list. The available shortcuts (commands) included in that category appear in the Commands list.

  2. Select the desired shortcut (command) from the Commands list. All keyboard shortcuts associated with that shortcut appear in the Key assignments text box.

  3. Select the desired key assignment in the Key assignments text box.

  4. Click the Remove button.

To reset the keyboard shortcuts to the original settings click the Reset All button. Resetting the keyboard shortcuts deletes all custom shortcuts and returns all default shortcuts.

ClosedOptions Tab

The Options tab defines the general appearance of screen tips and the toolbars.

Personalized Menus and Toolbars
