BarTender Cloud Home Page
BarTender Cloud includes a Home page you can use to quickly access several BarTender Cloud features, as well as get an overview of your organization's print activity. The page also includes links to Seagull's external resources and support. When you log into BarTender Cloud, you are automatically taken to this page.
Quick Access
The Quick Access section of the Home page diplays four buttons that give you direct access to Librarian, Designer, and Print Console, as well as a button that takes you straight to the Getting Started section of BarTender Cloud's documentation set.
Print Activity
The Print Activity section displays your printing information for the previous 30 days, including the total number of items printed, the number of warnings and errors encountered, and the average number of items printed per day.
External Links
The bottom of the Home page provides a series of links to external resources, including Seagull's Support Center, the community forum, and release notes. You can also use the links here to contact support directly.