Resizing Controls and Objects

At times, you may want to resize the data entry controls and objects that you placed on the data entry form. Although there are several different types of controls and objects, the basic process of increasing or decreasing the size of each of these form elements is the same.

To resize data entry controls or objects, use one of the following methods.

ClosedTo resize a control or object by using your mouse

When you use the mouse to resize controls and objects, the behavior of the element varies depending on whether the BarTender snap behavior is used. When snap behavior is used, BarTender automatically assists you in aligning the element's size based on other elements, ruler division marks, and the data entry form grid. For more information, refer to Object Snapping.

  1. Click the control or object that you want to resize.

  2. Drag a sizing handle until the control or object is the size that you want, as follows: 

    • To resize both height and width at the same time, drag one of the four corner sizing handles until the control or object is the size that you want.

    • To resize in only one direction, drag one of the sizing handles on the side, the top, or the bottom of the control or object.

For some data entry controls, you can resize in only one direction, either the height or the width. In this case, the corner sizing handles are not available to drag, and you can drag only the top or bottom sizing handles (for resizing the height) or the right or left sizing handles (for resizing the width).

ClosedTo resize a control or object by using the Properties dialog

  1. Double-click the control or object to open its Control Properties dialog or Object Properties dialog. Alternatively, click Properties on the control's or object's context menu.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click the property page that includes the height and/or width properties.

  3. Specify the height and/or width that you want.

  4. Click Close to close the Properties dialog.

The property page that includes the height and/or width properties is typically called the "control type property page" or the "object type property page." For example, you can find the height and width properties of the Text Input Box control on the Text Input Box property page.