Using XAML with BarTender

You can use Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) to create objects and apply formatting to text and layout objects by using tags. In BarTender, you can use XAML to modify the appearance of a text object by aligning text in tables, coloring text, or adding images to a text object.

A XAML tag represents an object, which initializes an element in the Rich Text object. For example, you can use the <Rectangle> tag to insert a rectangle into the object. Objects are always introduced by using an opening angle bracket (<) followed by the tag name. Attributes can optionally be added to the object element. To complete the object declaration, use a closing bracket (>). If the tag is not followed by any content, the closing bracket can be replaced with a forward slash, followed by the closing bracket (/>).

The following example shows how to use objects with XAML formatting.


<Ellipse Stroke="Black" />


Each object supports a number of optional attributes, which are properties of the object. Formatting changes are often defined as attributes of an object, because they describe the object. The following example shows how to create an ellipse that has a red background and a black outline.

<Ellipse Background="Red" Stroke="Black" />

When you use XAML in a text object, BarTender converts it to Rich Text Format (RTF), which means that not all XAML applications and features are supported. BarTender supports only those features that are available in both XAML and RTF.

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