Printer Code Template Setup Dialog

BarTender comes with a set of predefined print systems. By using the Printer Code Template Setup dialog, which you can access from the Administer menu, you can view a list of these print systems on the left side of the dialog. By using the tabs on the right, you can view and/or modify the properties of these print systems. If none of the predefined print systems match your needs, you can use the toolbar to create any number of your own custom print systems.

For more information about print systems, refer to Working With Printer Code Templates.

The dialog includes the following sections.

Print Systems List

The Print Systems section lists the print systems that are available. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the list to maintain the selected print system. You can also access each of the commands in the toolbar by right-clicking a print system.

 Inserts a new print system into the list.

 Removes the selected print system from the list.

 Deletes the selected print system and places a copy of the print system on the Clipboard.

 Copies the selected print system to the Clipboard.

 Pastes a copy of the print system that is currently on the Clipboard into the list.

 Moves the selected print system up one position in the list.

 Moves the selected print system down one position in the list.

Print System

The Print System section displays detailed information about the selected print system. For custom print systems, you can also configure the printer, output, and performance settings by using the Delimiters, Printer, Output, Performance, and General tabs.

The following tabs are available.

ClosedDelimiters Tab

Use the Delimiters tab to specify the printer code template delimiters, which are used by a print system to parse the printer code template. The delimiters are replaced by the print system before the print job starts.

The table lists each type of delimiter that you can insert into the printer code template. The following fields are displayed:

ClosedPrinter Tab

Use the Printer tab to filter print systems by printer language and/or printer manufacturer. When you do this, only the print systems that are compatible with the current printer are available for selection.

ClosedOutput Tab

Use the Output tab to specify what options are available in the Export Printer Code Template dialog and to configure the default values for these options. Use the options in the Output tab to set the default directory and default file name extension.

ClosedPerformance Tab

Use the Performance tab to specify how BarTender takes advantage of built-in printer capabilities when you use a Drivers by Seagullâ„¢ printer driver. Each of the options on this tab can be individually set to specify the behavior as Optional, Required, or Disabled.

If you select Optional for a setting, it appears in the Export Printer Code Template dialog as available and selected. If you select Required, it appears as unavailable and selected, and if you select Disabled, it appears as unavailable and unselected.

If the option is not supported by the current printer, it appears as unavailable and unselected.

Printer Optimizations

ClosedGeneral Tab

Use the General tab to adjust the encoding settings for your printer, keyboard prompting settings, and other advanced options. You can also modify print code by using an action list or a custom Visual Basic script. The following options are available:

Printer Code Modifier

Each print system can have printer code modification actions or scripts associated with it that can replace, insert, or delete specified data in the printer code.

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