Phrase Library View |
When you create or edit a phrase library, the Phrase Library view of the Embedded Data Table Editor is displayed. This view includes the following components, which you can use to create and manage the phrase library contents.
The Tables pane lists all the phrase libraries and data tables in the database. Click a phrase library to view its contents in the data pane. To add or remove a selected library, click Add or Remove on the Home tab.
When you right-click an existing item in the Tables pane, the following options are available:
Rename: Renames the selected item.
Remove: Deletes the selected item.
Add Phrase Library: Adds a new phrase library to the database.
Add Data Table: Adds a new data table to the database.
Cut: Cuts the selected item and places it on the Clipboard.
Copy: Copies the selected item and places it on the Clipboard.
Paste: Pastes the item from the Clipboard.
Import Data Table: Starts the Import Table wizard so that you can import data tables from an external database. For more information, refer to Importing and Exporting Data Tables.
Import Phrase Library (CSV): Starts the Import Phrase Library wizard so that you can import a phrase library in comma-separated values (CSV) format. For more information, refer to Importing and Exporting Phrase Libraries.
Import Phrase Library (TMX): Starts the Import Phrase Library wizard so that you can import a phrase library in Translation Memory Exchange (TMX) format. For more information, refer to Importing and Exporting Phrase Libraries.
Export Phrase Library (CSV): Opens the Select CSV File Name dialog so that you can save the selected phrase library as a CSV file.
Export Phrase Library (TMX): Opens the Export Languages to TMX File dialog so that you can save the selected phrase library as a TMX file.
The data pane displays the phrases in the selected phrase library in table form. By default, an ID column and optional Category, Tags, and Comments columns are included along with the default language column. You can modify the values in the ID column, but each value must be unique.
To add one or more new language columns, click Add Language, and then select the languages that you want in the Select New Language dialog. You can use the Auto-Translate feature to automatically translate the phrases in the library.
The Auto-Translate feature uses machine translation to convert phrases into the selected language, which might introduce inaccuracies. We recommend that you use this feature as a starting point for a human translator. Machine translation is not available for all languages. |
To add phrases or edit existing phrases, click the table cell that you want, and then enter the new content.
When you right-click a column header, the following options are available:
Sort Ascending: Sorts the database records by ascending order (A-Z, 0-9) based on the data in the selected field.
Sort Descending: Sorts the database records by descending order (Z-A, 9-0) based on the data in the selected field.
Clear Sorting: Clears the sorting that is applied to the selected column. Available when the selected column is sorted in ascending or descending order.
Clear All Sorting: Clears all custom sorting and displays the contents of the pane in the default order. Available when sorting is used.
Group By This Column: Groups all records by the selected column. To ungroup records, use the Group By box.
Hide/Show Group By Box: Hides or shows the Group By box. For more information, refer to Using the Group By Box.
Best Fit: Resizes the selected column to a width that displays all of the text in that field.
Best Fit (all columns): Resizes all columns to a width that displays all of the text in each field of the column.
Filter Editor: Opens the Filter Editor dialog, which you can use to create a conditional expression for your filter.
After you create a filter, options are displayed at the bottom of the data pane that you can use to delete, turn off, or edit the filter.
Show/Hide Find Panel: Shows or hides the Find panel, which includes a search box that you can use to search for items in the phrase library table.
Show/Hide Auto Filter Row: Displays the Auto Filter row, which you can use to filter the items in the result set.
Use the record navigator bar at the bottom of the pane to quickly browse through and locate records in the phrase library, add a new row of data, delete a selected row, edit data, and save or undo edits.