Message Details Dialog

Use the Message Details dialog to view information about an individual message that was logged for your process file. The information that is displayed depends on whether the message contents includes information about the state of the variables that your process file uses. For example, when the message reports only a request to start or stop a process file, the state of the process file's variables is not affected, and therefore only the Informational Message section of the dialog is displayed.

ClosedInformational Message

The Informational Message section of the dialog displays the text of the message. Depending on the location in Process Builder from which you opened the Message Details dialog, one or more of the following options are available: 

ClosedVariable State

The Variable State section is displayed only when the process file's variables were affected by the action or event that the message describes. This section provides the names of the variables, the previous values they had before the integration was run, and their new values.

To hide or show the previous values of the variables, use the secondary mouse button to click any variable, and then click Hide previous value or Show previous value. You can also click next to View to filter the list to see all variable values or only those variable values that have changed.

Click for the previous value or the new value of a variable to display the details for that value in a new window. For more information about the controls that are available in this window, refer to Value For Dialog.