Test Action Dialog

Use the Test Action dialog to test a selected action for the integration. To open this dialog, use one of the following methods: 

The dialog displays the variables that are available to input data into the action. You can edit the values for these variables, delete variables, and create new variables.

The dialog displays the following information: 

The dialog contains a toolbar that provides the following options:

You can use the following methods to edit the list of available variables: 

At the bottom of the dialog, the following controls are provided:

After you click Test Action, the following tabs are displayed.

ClosedMessages Tab

The Messages tab displays a list of the logged messages that result when you test an action. By default, the list of messages includes all errors, warnings, and messages that are associated with the action. You can customize this list by clicking Errors, Warnings, or Messages to show or hide these items. You can also customize this table to make the messages easier to find and manage.

The Messages tab includes the following options and controls: 

ClosedVariables Tab

The Variables tab displays the variables that are available to input data into the action, the values that they had before the action was run, and any new values that resulted after the action was run. To hide or show the previous values of the variables, right-click anywhere in the variables list, and then click Hide previous value or Show previous value.

Click for the previous value or the new value of a variable to display the details for that value in a new window. For more information about the controls that are available in this window, refer to Value For Dialog.