Servers Page

Use the Servers page of Administration Console to view, define, and manage the servers that are used by the applications of the BarTender Suite that are associated with the instance of Administration Console that you have opened. By using this page, you can view and define a list of servers, specify a description for each server, identify a server as a production server, and configure one or more maintenance windows for each server. You can also define a list of server groups.

Server Names

If you deploy an integration to a specific server and then delete the server from the Administration Console Servers page, the integration continues to function. However, if you set an integration to deploy at a later time from a specific server and then delete the server from the Servers page, the integration fails. For more information, refer to Integrations and Deployment.

To the right of the Server Names pane, you can view and edit properties of the server that is selected in the Server Names pane. The following options are available:

Server Groups

Use the Server Groups section of the Servers page to manage server groups.

To the right of the Group Names pane, you can view and edit properties of your server groups:

The default All Servers group displays all of the servers that are listed in the Server Names pane. To add or remove groups from the All Servers group, you must add or remove them in the Server Names pane.