Email Notification Variables

When you configure a notification email message to be sent when a file moves through a particular state or transition in a workflow, you can add variables to the message body so that information about the file and/or workflow is included automatically in the email message. You can also use variables to add buttons or links to the email message that incorporate Print Portal approval processes.

These variables are listed in the Variables list on the Insert tab of the Notification dialog. The variables that are available in the list vary depending on the properties of the file and on the type of workflow object that you are configuring a notification for.

The following table describes these variables.




Displays a list of approval member names, separated by semicolons (available only for domain users and groups)

Using this variable can slow performance. We recommend that you do not use this variable in high-throughput environments.


Displays the comment that was entered by the user who performed the last transition


Displays the date when the notification was sent


Displays the time when the notification was sent


Displays the name of the user who created the latest file revision


Displays file information (such as Name, Created By, and Created Date) in a panel


Displays the date when the file was last modified


Displays the name of the file


Displays the directory path of the file in Librarian


Displays the current revision of the file


Displays the current state of the file revision


Displays the name of the user who last updated the file history for the latest revision


Displays the name of the user who ran the transition that caused the email notification message to be sent


Displays the name of the workflow that the file is assigned to


Provides "Approve" and "Reject" buttons


Provides a "Review and Approve" button for approval processes that use Print Portal


Provides a URL hyperlink for approval processes that use Print Portal

You can use a file row in the email message body to apply variables to multiple files. To do this, click File Row in the Variables list to add the following variables to the message body.




Marks the beginning of a file row, which applies the variables that follow this variable to multiple files


Marks the end of a file row, which applies the variables that precede this variable to multiple files