TextFile.FieldDelimiter Property


Sets and returns the field delimiter for a text file when the Delimitation property is set to btDelimCustom.


TextFile.FieldDelimiter = DelimitingCharacter

Where DelimitingCharacter is an ASCII character containing the custom delimiter.



BarTender 6.00 or higher


Automation, Enterprise


The value of this property will be ignored if the TextFile.Delimitation property is set to any value other than btDelimCustom.

ClosedVB.NET Example

'Declare a BarTender application variable

Dim btApp As BarTender.Application

'Declare a BarTender document variable

Dim btFormat As BarTender.Format

'Declare a BarTender database variable

Dim btDb As BarTender.Database

'Create a new instance of BarTender

btApp = New BarTender.Application

'Set the BarTender application visible

btApp.Visible = True

'Open a BarTender document

btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open("c:\Format1.btw", False, "")

'Select the database

btDb = btFormat.Databases.GetDatabase(1)

'Set delimitation type to custom

btDb.TextFile.Delimitation = BarTender.BtTextFileDelimitation.btDelimCustom

'Set the custom delimiter

btDb.TextFile.FieldDelimiter = ":"

'End the BarTender process


ClosedC# Example

// Declare a BarTender application variable

BarTender.Application btApp;

// Declare a BarTender document variable

BarTender.Format btFormat;

// Declare a BarTender database variable

BarTender.Database btDb;

// Create a new instance of BarTender

btApp = new BarTender.Application();

// Set the BarTender application visible

btApp.Visible = true;

// Open a BarTender document

btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open("c:\\Format1.btw", false, "");

// Select the database

btDb = btFormat.Databases.GetDatabase(1);

// Set the delimitation type to custom

btDb.TextFile.Delimitation = BarTender.BtTextFileDelimitation.btDelimCustom;

// Set the delimiter

btDb.TextFile.FieldDelimiter = ":";

// End the BarTender process


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