Layers Pane |
The Layers pane lists all of the available layers on the template, and you can use it to easily create new layers and modify existing ones.
Locks the selected layer, which prevents further changes.
Toggles the visibility of the layer on screen. This setting does not affect whether the layer is printed. This option is primarily used to make it easier to edit templates by hiding those layers that are not immediately relevant to the layer with which you are currently working.
When you double-click a layer, the Layer Properties dialog opens. You can use this dialog to configure the on-screen representation of the selected layer and the printed output.
You can change the order of the layers in your document by dragging a selected layer to the position that you want in the layers list. The layer at the top of the list is printed on top of all the layers below it.
The layers toolbar is located at the bottom of the Layers pane. Use this toolbar to create new layers and manage the order of existing layers.
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