Returning Summary Data in the Response

When you set the ReturnSummary attribute of the <Print> command to true, or do not include the attribute at all, a response is returned that includes the ReturnPrintData attribute information and a summary of the entire print job. The summary information includes document and printer information, general page and layout information, and information about how BarTender was configured when it processed the print job. For a description of the various tags, refer to Summary Response Tag.

When you set the ReturnSummary attribute of the <Print> Command to false, a response is returned that does not include a detailed summary of the print job.

The following example shows the response that is returned when the ReturnSummary attribute is set to true and the ReturnLabelData attribute is set to false.












<Description>Finished sending print job to printer.</Description>




<CommandLine>/AF="Document1.btw" /P</CommandLine>



<FormatLastModified>12:10:34 04/20/2007</FormatLastModified>


<ObjectName="Barcode 1"Type="Barcode"Checksum="36874221">







<Printer>HP LaserJet</Printer>

<PrinterModel>HP LaserJet1200</PrinterModel>



<PrinterComment>User Entered Comment</PrinterComment>








































<Address>Server Address</Address>














BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler.

Job Name: MyJobName

BarTender Document: Document1.btw

Printer: Datamax H-4212 7.1.4




