Update Script Properties

修改指令碼的 "KeepStatus" 或 "Command" 屬性。

The new property values can be specified in the query parameters or in the request body.Currently, the only valid value that can be assigned to the Command property is "cancel", which means to cancel the running of the script.If the script is currently running, it will be stopped.If the script is not running, it will not be started.

For more information about this command, including descriptions of any path and request parameters, request body schema, response codes and schemas, and payload examples, refer to the online API reference for this command at the following web page:

Update script properties



Path Parameters



Specifies the ID of the script.Required.

Query Parameters



Specifies the amount of time to keep the script and its status in the server.The time units can be minutes (m), hours (h), or seconds (s).The time values can be floating point numbers.Valid values resemble "1.5m", "2h", or "300s".The minimum allowed time is 60 seconds.The default value is "60m".Optional.



Specifies whether the running of the script is stopped or canceled.Optional.