
通过枚举 Print Portal 库来获取根文件夹 ID 后,可以枚举特定根文件夹中的库项目(文档和子文件夹)。


浏览器中的返回页是 JSON 格式的内容,其中枚举了 Librarian 根文件夹项目。在此示例中,有三个对象。在本教程的后续步骤中,我们将打印 TLC39 Laser_53_rf.btw。




"description":"Files that have been added to Librarian.",




"contents":["Document1.btw","BMW.btw","TLC39 Laser_53_rf.btw"]


关闭JavaScript 示例

Display files from a root folder
let basePrintPortalURL = "https://example.com/Bartender/";
let route = "libraries/";
let id = "9890beae-db51-4b74-a132-d6430a06a192"

fetch(basePrintPortalURL + route + id)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => {

  // The following will display a list of templates available in the specific library
  const fileList = result.contents;
  fileList.forEach(template => console.log(template));

  // Displays the name of the library

  // Displays the specific error message in case of a failed request
  // Displays the title of the error message

  // Displays the error message status code

.catch(error => {
  console.error('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ', error.message);