FormatChecksum Response Tag


Returns a series of checksum values that represent a printed item's properties and static object values. Checksum values are calculated numbers that encode information about a specific part of a printed item at a certain point in time. If you want to reprint the item at a later date, you can compare the checksum values first recorded with the checksum values for the item you are about to print to see if the two numbers match. If the values do not match it confirms that the item has changed. Examining which checksum values are different will help you troubleshoot what on the item has changed.


<FormatChecksum BarTenderVersion=Value All=Value PageSetup=Value ObjectPrintMethod=Value PCMActions=Value PCMScript=Value>...</FormatChecksum>

The supported attributes include the following.




The BarTender version number. This number allows older checksum values to be compared by newer versions of BarTender. The value will be a number such as 900. 900 = BarTender 9.0


The checksum value equal to the entire format file's significant data. The value will be a 32-bit hex number.


The checksum value equal to the page setup data and subordinate objects. The value will be a 32-bit hex number.


The checksum value equal to the object print method values in the Print dialog. The value will be a 32-bit hex number.


The checksum value equal to the Printer Code Modifier actions list. The value will be a 32-bit hex number.


The checksum value equal to the Printer Code Modifier VBScript. The value will be a 32-bit hex number.

ClosedChild Elements

The following child element tags are supported.




An object appearing on a label that has a checksum value applied to it.

ClosedParent Tag



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<Response Version="2.0" Name="09232006_103601_Job1" ID="123" AppName="BarTender" AppVersion="9.00" AppVersionId="900" AppVersionMajor="9" AppVersionMinor="00" AppVersionBuild="2345" AppInstancePid="12345" AppInstanceGUID="(5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819)">



<Command Name="Cmd1">

<Print GUID="{C87068F8-4972-41F1-A6E8-724381703764}" JobName="MCIJob" ID="1234" JobLastStatus="Sent" JobCompleted="true">

<JobStatus Completed="true">





<CommandLine>/AF="Format1.btw" /P</CommandLine>



<FormatLastModified>12:10:34 04/20/2007</FormatLastModified>

<FormatChecksum BarTenderVersion="900" All="FFE2CC9F" Page-Setup="655FDE47" ObjectPrintMethod="2133DF1C" PCMActions="00000000" PCMScript="00000000">

<Object Name="Text1" Type="Text" Checksum="7D6EA0D3">







<Printer>HP LaserJet</Printer>

<PrinterModel>HP LaserJet1200</PrinterModel>



<PrinterComment>User Entered Comment</PrinterComment>

























<Message ID="1606" GUID="{8A8E8550-C822-4e84-8713-212793DFD6E1}" Severity="Information" Category="Miscellaneous" Response="OK">







BTXML Script version 2.0 (BarTender 9.0 and later versions)