Value Response Tag (SubString) |
Returns the value of a data source.
Where Value is the data source's contents.
Multi line text will be displayed using the XML escape string " " to create line breaks.
Because BTXML inherits the restrictions of XML, only the following control characters are supported: 	 — horizontal tab (TAB)
The data source values can be any value including white spaces and the character codes 1 to 31. The BTXML parser is configured to preserve whitespace and to interpret character codes 0 through 31.
Leading and trailing white space characters can be important when determining the location of objects on the template and must be preserved when transformed. All third party software that parses BTXML scripts must be set to preserve white space characters. If using the MSXML.DLL for example, the IXMLDOMDocument2 property preserveWhiteSpace must be set to true.
The character codes 0 through 31 are legitimately part of the <Value> tag. These codes are often used for printer format control and are accepted as valid data when returned by BarTender data sources.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Response Version="2.0" Name="09232006_103601_Job1" ID="123" AppName="BarTender" AppVersion="9.00" AppVersionId="900" AppVersionMajor="9" AppVersionMinor="00" AppVersionBuild="2345" AppInstancePid="12345" AppInstanceGUID="(5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819)">
<Command Name="Cmd1">
<Print GUID="{C87068F8-4972-41F1-A6E8-724381703764}" JobName="MCIJob" ID="1234" JobLastStatus="Sent" JobCompleted="true">
<JobStatus Completed="true">
<Pages TotalLabels="2" TotalPages="2" MediaHandling="true">
<Page PrintedPageNumber="2" TotalPages="2" Status="Printed" MediaHandlingAction="Pause">
<Label Position="1">
<Object Name="Text 1" Type="Text">
<SubString Position="1" ShareName="Sub-String 1" Type="Screen Data">
<Value>John Doe</Value>
<SubString Position="2" ShareName="Sub-String 2" Type="Date">
<Object Name="RFID 1" Type="RFID">
<SubString Position="1" ShareName="RFIDCode" Type="Database">
<Label Position="2">
<Object Name="Text 1" Type="Text">
<SubString Position="1" ShareName="Sub-String 1" Type="Screen Data">
<Value>John Doe</Value>
<SubString Position="2" ShareName="Sub-String 2" Type="Date">
<Object Name="RFID 1" Type="RFID">
<SubString Position="1" ShareName="RFIDCode" Type="Database">
<Message ID="1606" GUID="{8A8E8550-C822-4e84-8713-212793DFD6E1}" Severity="Information" Category="Miscellaneous" Response="OK">
<Text>BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler.
Job Name: MyJobName
BarTender Document: Document1.btw
Printer: Datamax H-4212 7.1.4 </Text>
BTXML Script version 2.0 (BarTender 9.0 and later versions)