PrintData Response Tag |
Returns a summary of the print job and a detailed definition of the content of each label printed in the print job. The level of information returned in the PrintData section of the response is determined by the options selected by the user in the <Print> command.
Where ... equals the print job summary and pages information.
The following child element tags are supported.
Tag |
Description |
Returns information describing all of the pages in a print job. |
Returns the print job's page and label data. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Response Version="2.0" Name="09232006_103601_Job1" ID="123" AppName="BarTender" AppVersion="9.00" AppVersionId="900" AppVersionMajor="9" AppVersionMinor="00" AppVersionBuild="2345" AppInstancePid="12345" AppInstanceGUID="(5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819)">
<Command Name="Cmd1">
<Print GUID="{C87068F8-4972-41F1-A6E8-724381703764}" JobName="MCIJob" ID="1234" JobLastStatus="Sent" JobCompleted="true">
<JobStatus Completed="true">
<CommandLine>/AF="Format1.btw" /P</CommandLine>
<FormatLastModified>12:10:34 04/20/2007</FormatLastModified>
<FormatChecksum BarTenderVersion="900" All="FFE2CC9F" Page-Setup="655FDE47" ObjectPrintMethod="2133DF1C" PCMActions="00000000" PCMScript="00000000">
<Object Name="Text1" Type="Text" Checksum="7D6EA0D3">
<Printer>HP LaserJet</Printer>
<PrinterModel>HP LaserJet1200</PrinterModel>
<PrinterComment>User Entered Comment</PrinterComment>
<Pages TotalLabels="2" TotalPages="2" MediaHandling="true">
<Message ID="1606" GUID="{8A8E8550-C822-4e84-8713-212793DFD6E1}" Severity="Information" Category="Printer" Response="OK">
BTXML Script version 2.0 (BarTender 9.0 and later versions)