SAPIDoc.IDocFileName Property


Sets and returns the IDoc filename.


SAPIDoc.IDocFileName = PathAndFileName

Where PathAndFileName is a string containing the path and file name of the IDoc file.



BarTender 6.12 or higher


Automation, Enterprise

ClosedVB.NET Example

'Declare a BarTender application variable

Dim btApp As BarTender.Application

'Declare a BarTender document variable

Dim btFormat As BarTender.Format

'Declare a BarTender database variable

Dim btDb As BarTender.Database

'Create a new instance of BarTender

btApp = New BarTender.Application

'Set the BarTender application visible

btApp.Visible = True

'Open a BarTender document

btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open("c:\Format1.btw", False, "")

'Select the database

btDb = btFormat.Databases.GetDatabase(1)

'Set the IDoc file name

btDb.SAPIDoc.IDocFileName = "c:\IDD-LIEF03_00108226.ORDERS03_46C"

'End the BarTender process


ClosedC# Example

// Declare a BarTender application variable

BarTender.Application btApp;

// Declare a BarTender document variable

BarTender.Format btFormat;

// Declare a BarTender database variable

BarTender.Database btDb;

// Create a new instance of BarTender

btApp = new BarTender.Application();

// Set the BarTender application visible

btApp.Visible = true;

// Open a BarTender document

btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open("c:\\Format1.btw", false, "");

// Select the database

btDb = btFormat.Databases.GetDatabase(1);

// Set the IDoc file name

btDb.SAPIDoc.IDocFileName = "c:\\IDD-LIEF03_00108226.ORDERS03_46C";

// End the BarTender process


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