Edit Library Dialog

Use the Edit Library dialog to create a new phrase library or edit an existing one. You can access this dialog by right-clicking Libraries on the Data Sources pane of the Toolbox and then clicking Create a New Library or by right-clicking an existing library under Libraries and then clicking Edit Library. When you save the library, it is saved as part of a Data Builder database. You can select an existing database to save to or create a new one.

The Edit Library dialog includes the following controls on the quick access toolbar, which is displayed by default at the top of the dialog: 

The Edit Library dialog includes the following components.

ClosedHome Tab Ribbon

The following options are available on the Home tab ribbon:

ClosedData Pane

The data pane displays the phrases in the selected phrase library in table form. When you create a new phrase library, the default library that is displayed includes an ID column, a default language column, and optional Category, Tags, and Comments columns. Add the text that you want to store in the library by entering it in the table cells or by importing it from an external file. You can modify the default IDs, but each ID in the table must be unique.

To add one or more new language columns, click Add Language, and then select the languages that you want in the Select New Language dialog. You can use the Auto-Translate feature to automatically translate the phrases in the library.

The Auto-Translate feature uses machine translation to convert phrases into the selected language, which might introduce inaccuracies. We recommend that you use this feature as a starting point for a human translator.

Machine translation is not available for all languages.

To add phrases or edit existing phrases, click the table cell that you want, and then enter the new content.

When you right-click a column header, the following options are available:

ClosedRecord Navigator

Use the record navigator bar at the bottom of the pane to quickly browse through and locate records in the phrase library, add a new row of data, delete a selected row, edit data, and save or undo edits.

You can use these components to create and manage the phrase library contents, as follows.

ClosedCreating a Phrase Library

ClosedTo add phrases to the phrase library

Use one of the following methods:

  • Enter the phrases manually. To do this, click an empty cell in the data pane, enter the phrase that you want for that field, and then press Tab on your keyboard to enter data for the next field.

  • Copy (or cut) and paste rows or cells. To do this, select the row or cell that you want in the data pane, click Copy (or Cut) on the ribbon, select Copy Cell or Copy Row (or Cut Cell or Cut Row), click an empty cell, and then click Paste.

  • Use the import feature to import a phrase library in comma-separated value (CSV) or Translation Memory Exchange (TMX) format. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. On the ribbon, click Import, and then click Phrase Library (CSV) or Phrase Library (TMX), depending on the file format of the phrase library that you want.

    2. In the import wizard, follow the steps to select the phrase library that you want to import.

ClosedTo add or remove categories

  • To add a category to an item, click the cell that you want under Category, and then enter the category that you want.

  • To remove a category from an item, select it, and then press Backspace or Delete.

ClosedTo add or remove tags

  • To add one tag to an item, click the cell that you want under Tags, enter the tag that you want, and then click away from the cell, enter a comma, or press Tab.

    To add multiple tags to an item, click the cell that you want under Tags, and then enter the tags that you want, separated by commas. If you enter more tags than the cell can display, you can click away from the cell to force it to expand and show all the tags.

  • To remove a tag from an item, click for the tag that you want to remove.

ClosedTo add or remove comments

  • To add a comment to an item, click the cell that you want under Comments, and then enter the comment. If your comment is longer than the cell can display, you can click away from the cell to force it to expand and show the whole comment.

  • To remove a comment from an item, select the comment, and then press Backspace or Delete.

ClosedModifying a Phrase Library

ClosedTo delete data from a phrase library

Use one of the following methods in the data pane:

  • Select the row that you want to delete, and then press the Delete key.

  • Select the row that you want to delete, and then click in the record navigation bar.

  • Select the row that you want to delete, and then click Cut on the ribbon.

  • On the ribbon, click Clear Data. This action deletes all rows of data from the phrase library.

ClosedTo delete text from a cell

Use one of the following methods in the data pane:

  • Select the text that you want to delete, right-click the text, and then click Delete.

  • Double-click the text, and then press the Delete or Backspace key.

ClosedTo reorder the fields

In the data pane, click the column header for the field that you want to move, and then drag it to the location that you want.

ClosedTo sort the data in the fields

In the data pane, right-click the column header for the field that you want to sort by, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

ClosedWorking with Languages

ClosedTo add a language to the phrase library

On the ribbon, click Add Language, and then select the languages that you want in the Select New Language dialog.

ClosedTo use machine translation to translate phrases

  1. On the ribbon, click Auto-Translate.

  2. In the Auto Translate: Select Languages dialog, select the language that you want to translate from in the Translate From list, and then select the languages that you want to translate to in the Translate To list. If a language that you want is not in the list, click to open the Select New Language dialog, and then select the language that you want.

  3. To translate only the untranslated phrases, click to select the Untranslated Phrases Only check box.

  4. When this check box is not selected, the machine translation process evaluates all the terms in the phrase library and updates them automatically for all languages for which machine translation is available. If you manually added or edited translated terms, those terms might be overwritten by the machine translation process.

  5. Click Translate.

ClosedTo remove a language from the phrase library

Click the column header for the language that you want to remove, and then click Remove Language on the ribbon.

ClosedExporting a Phrase Library

ClosedTo export a phrase library to a comma-separated value (CSV) file

  1. On the ribbon, click Export, and then click Phrase Library (CSV).

  2. In the Select CSV File Name dialog, browse to the location that you want to export the file to, enter a file name, and then click Save.

ClosedTo export a phrase library to a Translation Memory Exchange (TMX) file

  1. On the ribbon, click Export, and then click Phrase Library (TMX).

  2. In the Export Languages to TMX File dialog, select the languages that you want to export, click Browse to browse to the location that you want to export the file to, enter a file name, and then click Save.

    The Category, Tags, and Comments fields are not exported, because TMX format does not support them.

  3. Click OK to close the Export Languages to TMX File dialog.