Table Property Page

Use the Table property page to specify minimum and maximum height and width for a table object, and to specify grid line visibility in the Template Design view.

The following options are available.


You can limit the size of the table object. To do this, you can manually specify the width and height dimensions that you want for the object, or you can specify that the dimensions are calculated automatically within maximum and minimum dimension values that you can configure.

The following options are available:

You can also specify minimum and maximum height for individual rows and minimum and maximum width for individual columns by using the Rows property page and the Columns property page. The overall object dimensions come into effect only if the specified height is less than the sum of any minimum row height or if the specified width is less than the sum of any minimum column width. These conditions are handled in the following manner: 

  • Extra height is distributed between all percentage-based row heights or, if none apply, is added to the last row.

  • Extra width is distributed between all percentage-based column widths or, if none apply, is added to the last column.
