Selected Control Property Page

You can access the Selected Control property page from the Properties dialog for the data entry form or from the Properties dialog for a control or object on the form. "Selected Control" is the generic name that is given to the property page that is displayed when you click the top-most node in the left navigation pane of the Properties dialog. This property page specifies the global properties of the selected item (the control, object, or the form itself).

ClosedTo access the Selected Control property page for the data entry form

  1. Double-click a blank area of the form to open the Form Properties dialog. Alternatively, right-click a blank area of the form, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the top-most node in the left navigation pane of the Form Properties dialog.

ClosedTo access the Selected Control property page for a data entry control or object

  1. Double-click the control or object to open its Properties dialog. Alternatively, right-click the control or object, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the top-most node in the left navigation pane of the Properties dialog.

The properties that are available on the Selected Control property page vary depending on whether you opened it for the data entry form or for a control or object.

ClosedData Entry Form

When you open the Selected Control property page for a data entry form, the following options are available:

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ClosedControl or Object

When you open the Selected Control property page for a control or object, the following options are available:

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When multiple controls and objects are selected, two Selected Control property pages are available: one for all selected objects and another for the master selected object. You can recognize the master selected object by the green selection border that outlines it. The secondary selected objects are outlined with gray selection borders.

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