Symbology and Size Property Page

Use the Symbology and Size property page, which is located in the Barcode Properties dialog, to specify exactly how you want a barcode to be displayed on your template.

The options that are available vary depending on the symbology that you selected and define the dimensions, color, and symbology-specific options for the supported barcode standards.

For more information about barcode symbologies and their specifications, refer to Barcode Symbologies (opens in an external browser window; requires an Internet connection).

When you select a group that contains barcodes of different symbologies, the Symbology Specific Options area of the property page is empty.

If your input contains excessive, insufficient, or invalid characters according to the symbology specifications, the barcode displays a red X, and a description of the error type is displayed when you point to the barcode. For more information, refer to Barcode Validation.

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