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You can use the Events Setup dialog in Printer Maestro to configure notification messages to be sent when particular printing-related events occur. By using this dialog, you can select an event target to send the notifications to and then use the dialog's tabs and sub-dialogs to configure the events that you want to send notifications for, the message body, and the account settings for the event target.
To open this dialog, click Events Setup on the Administer menu.
The Events Setup dialog includes the following panes:
Event Targets pane: Lists the available event targets. You can add, copy, or delete targets by using the options in the toolbar below the pane, as follows:
: Opens the New Target dialog so that you can add a new target to the list.
: Creates a copy of the selected target and adds it to the list.
: Deletes the selected target.
Tabs pane: Displays the Events, Message, and Account Settings tabs, which you use to configure the notification messages that you want to send to the selected event target.
The Message and Account Settings tabs are displayed when you select an email target in the Event Targets pane and then click to select the Enable check box on the Events tab.
Use the Events tab to configure the events that you want to send notifications for. To do this, you first select the event target and enable events notification.
To select the target and enable notification
In the Event Targets pane, click the event target that you want to send notifications to.
On the Events tab, click to select the Enable check box.
Use the options in the Event Selection area to configure the criteria that you want to use to filter the event notifications that are sent to the event target.
You can set up the filter criteria by using either Basic or Advanced mode, as follows:
Use Basic mode to easily set up the most common filter criteria. This is the default mode.
Use Advanced mode to create complex filters by creating individual filter criteria and combining them into groups. To switch to Advanced mode, click Advanced.
By using Basic mode, you can set up filters that use event severity and category as criteria. Basic mode is powerful enough to meet most needs.
The following options are available:
Use Advanced mode to create complex filters by creating individual filter criteria and combining them into groups.
Criteria are the basic building blocks of a filter. A single criterion tests one condition. For example, "Severity <<Is Equal>> Warning, Error" evaluates to true if the event has a severity level of Warning or Error. "Printer Location <<Contains>> Assembly Line" evaluates to true for events that occur on a printer whose location name contains the phrase "Assembly Line."
A group is a logical grouping of filter elements. These elements can include both criteria and other groups. A group can be either an And group or an Or group. In an And group, all of the filter criteria or groups must evaluate to true for an event for it to pass the group. In an Or group, an event passes the group if any one of its filter criteria or groups evaluates to true for the event. Groups can be nested as deeply as needed.
The following options are available:
Event Selection Criteria: Displays a tree view of the filter criteria and their grouping. Right-click in this area to display a menu that you can use to create new groups and filter criteria and to edit and delete existing groups and criteria. For more information, refer to the table that follows.
Basic: Switches from Advanced to Basic mode. If the current Advanced filter is too complex to be represented in Basic mode, you receive a warning message.
Right-click the Event Selection Criteria area to open a menu that you can use to create a new event filter or edit an existing filter. The following options are available.
Menu option
Changes the selected group to an And group. Available only when a group is selected.
Changes the selected group to an Or group. Available only when a group is selected.
Add Group
Adds a new group to the selected group. Available only when a group is selected or the filter is empty.
Add Criteria
Opens the New Filter dialog, which you can use to add a new criterion to the selected group. Not available if a criterion is currently selected.
Edit Criteria
Opens the Filter by Category, Filter by Severity, or Filter by Attribute dialog so that you can edit the currently selected criterion.
Deletes the currently selected group or criterion from the filter and places it on the Clipboard.
Copies the currently selected group or criterion onto the Clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the currently selected group. You cannot paste into a criterion.
Delete Group
Deletes the selected group from the filter.
Delete Criteria
Deletes the selected criterion from the filter.
Clear All
Removes all groups and criteria from the filter.
You can edit the filter by dragging groups or criteria to new locations within the filter. You can drag only into a group, not into a criterion.
Use this tab to configure the event notification email message that you want to send. The following options are available:
To: Specifies the message recipients. Click To to enter the recipients' email addresses by using the Select Contact dialog. Alternatively, enter the addresses in the To field. Separate multiple addresses by using a semicolon.
Cc: Specifies the recipients of a copy of the message. Click Cc to enter the recipients' email addresses by using the Select Contact dialog. Alternatively, enter the addresses in the Cc field. Separate multiple addresses by using a semicolon.
Bcc: Specifies the recipients of a blind copy of the message. Recipients of blind copies are not visible to other recipients of the message. Click Bcc to enter the recipients' email addresses by using the Select Contact dialog. Alternatively, enter the addresses in the Bcc field. Separate multiple addresses by using a semicolon.
Importance: Specifies the importance level of the message. The email recipients see the importance indicator in their inbox before they open the message. Recipients can also sort email messages by importance. The choices are Automatic, High, Normal, and Low.
When you select Automatic, the importance level is determined according to the severity level of the event. Error events are sent with high importance, warning events with normal importance, and informational events with low importance.
Subject: Specifies the subject line of the message. The subject line can be a combination of text and event variables. You can add event variables by clicking Insert to open the Insert Variable dialog. Event variables are replaced with an actual value when the message is sent.
Body: Specifies the body of the message. The body can be a combination of text and event variables. You can add event variables by clicking Insert to open the Insert Variable dialog. Event variables are replaced with an actual value when the message is sent.
Insert: Opens the Insert Variable dialog with a list of all available event variables. To insert an event variable into the subject line or body of the message, select a variable in the list, and then click Insert.
Encoding: Specifies the character set that you want to use to encode the message. The default setting is Unicode (UTF-8).
Use this tab to specify the email server that you want to use to send event notification email messages. The following options are available:
Email Server: Specifies the email server to use.
Configure: Opens the Email Servers page in Administration Console, which you can use to configure the account information for the email server that you want to use. For more information, refer to Email Servers in the Administration Console help system.
In This Section
New Target Dialog
Use this dialog to create a new message channel to send event notifications to.
Select Contact Dialog
Use this dialog to select the contacts that you want to include in the recipient fields of the notification message.
Advanced Event Filters
Add these filters to your conditional expression when you use Advanced mode to specify the events that you want to send notifications for.