Go To |
The Go To action instructs the Integration Service to jump to one of the following locations:
Any designated action within the integration, whether or not it is in the same action group.
The next iteration of a While Loop or For Loop action.
The end of the current action group. Any actions that follow the group are then run.
You can configure the properties for the Go To action on the following tabs.
Go To
Modes: Specifies how you want the Integration Service to continue processing the actions in the integration.
Specified Action: Specifies that the Integration Service runs the action that you specify in the list of additional actions that are included in the integration.
Next Loop Iteration: Specifies that the Integration Service runs the next iteration of the current loop action. Available when the Go To action is part of a While Loop or For Loop action or when the Actions group is configured to run two or more times.
End of Group: Specifies that the Integration Service jumps to the end of the group and runs the next action that follows the group action. If the group was the last action in the integration, the integration ends.
Name: A read-only property that specifies the name of the action. The Name property is updated to the selection that you make for the Modes property on the Go to tab of the property page.
Description: Specifies a description for the action.
Run Action: Specifies how often you want to run the action.
Always: Specifies that the Integration Service runs the action each time it runs the integration.
Never: Specifies that the Integration Service does not run the action when it runs the integration.
Conditionally, based on variable: Specifies that the action runs only when a selected variable meets a specified condition. Use this option in situations in which there is only one condition that determines whether the action runs. When you select this option, you can create the conditional statement in the input box.
Variable: Specifies the variable that you want to use for the conditional statement. Enter the variable in the input box. Alternatively, expand the list and then click a recently used variable, or click Variables or
More Variables to open the Insert Variable dialog.
[Relational Operator]: Specifies the relational operator to use for the conditional statement. Click the existing operator to open a list of additional operators, and then click the one that you want to use. For more information, refer to Relational Operators. The operators that are available in the list depend on whether you selected Text or Decimal for the Type option.
Value: Specifies the values to use for the conditional statement. To add a value, click , click <enter a value>, enter the value that you want, and then press
. To delete a value, use the secondary mouse button to click it, and then click Delete. Some operators, such as Is blank and Is not blank, do not require a value to be specified. In these situations, the Value field is not available.
Type: Specifies whether the conditional statement is evaluating a text or decimal value.
Conditionally, based on expression: Specifies the conditions under which the action runs. Use this option for situations that require more than one conditional statement. When you select this option, you can create the conditional expression in the input box by creating the conditional statements that you want. You create and edit your conditional expression on the Tree View tab. Click the Text View tab to see a read-only text view of the conditional expression.
Input box controls (Tree View tab)
[Conditional Joiner]: Specifies the conditional joiner for the conditional statements within the group. The default conditional joiner is And.
Click the existing conditional joiner to access a menu that enables you to configure your conditional expression in one of the following ways:
And, Or, NotAnd, NotOr: Click the conditional joiner in the list that you want to use for the conditional statements. For more information about the supported conditional joiners, refer to Conditional Joiners.
Add Condition: Click to add another conditional statement to the current group.
Add Group: Click to add a subgroup of conditional statements to the current group.
Remove Group: Click to delete the subgroup. Available when you open the menu from a subgroup.
Clear All: Click to delete all conditional statements (including subgroups). Available when you open the menu from the top-most group.
: Visible to the right of each conditional joiner in your expression. Click to add a conditional statement to the group that is associated with that joiner.
: Visible to the right of an existing conditional statement when you point to the statement. Click to delete the conditional statement.
Variable: Specifies the variable that you want to use for the conditional statement. Enter the variable in the input box. Alternatively, expand the list and then click a recently used variable, or click Variables or
More Variables to open the Insert Variable dialog.
[Relational Operator]: Specifies the relational operator to use for the conditional statement. Click the existing operator to open a list of additional operators, and then click the one that you want to use. For more information, refer to Relational Operators. The operators that are available in the list depend on whether you selected Text or Decimal for the Type option.
Value: Specifies the values to use for the conditional statement. To add a value, click , click <enter a value>, enter the value that you want, and then press
. To delete a value, use the secondary mouse button to click it, and then click Delete. Some operators, such as Is blank and Is not blank, do not require a value to be specified. In these situations, the Value field is not available.
Type: Specifies whether the conditional statement is evaluating a text or decimal value.