Selected Print Job Details Pane (BarTender Print Jobs)

The Selected Print Job Details pane, which you can access by clicking a filter in the BarTender: Print Jobs view of the View Selector pane, displays details about a selected print job and provides options for you to reprint part or all of a print job. The print job details include an overview, job status history, job message history, and object information for every item that is printed.

ClosedUsing the Toolbar

The selected print job details toolbar, which is located at the top of the pane, includes options that you can use to select the specific items within a print job that you want to reprint. The options that are available vary depending on the tab that you select.

  Copies a row's contents and places it on the Clipboard.

  Copies the detail report (on the Overview tab) or a cell's contents and places it on the Clipboard.

  Selects the check boxes for all of the items in the print job.

  Clears the check boxes of all items in the print job.

  Prints the detail report (on the Overview tab) or reprints the selected items (on the Reprint Labels tab).

ClosedUsing the Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays a complete report of the selected print job, including summary information and details about the printer and the document that was printed. The report includes the following sections.

Print Job Overview


Document Name: Displays the name of the document that was printed.

Printer: Displays the name of the printer that processed the print job.

Created Time: Displays the date and time when the print job was created.

Last Status: Displays the last status that was received from the printer.

Total Printed Items: Displays the total number of items that were printed.

Total Pages: Displays the total number of pages that were printed.

User Name: Displays the user name of the user who ran the print job.

Server Name: Displays the name of the server that sent the print job.

BarTender Version: Displays the version of BarTender software that was used to save the document, including version and build number.

Job Comment: Displays the comment that was added for the print job.


BarTender Document Details

Document Name: Displays the name of the document that was printed.

Document Path: Displays the complete path of the BarTender document.

Document Modified Date & Time: Displays the date and time when the document was last modified.



Name: Displays the name of the printer that processed the print job.

Model: Displays the model of the printer that processed the print job.

Port: Displays the port that connected the printer to the computer.

Comment: Displays the comments that were associated with the printer.


Selected Print Job Details

Command Line: Displays the command line that initiated the print job.

Identical Copies: Displays the number of identical copies of the label that were printed.

Serialized Copies: Displays the number of serialized copies of the label that were printed.

BarTender Application Settings for Job

Page Setup

Printed Item Width: Displays the width of each item that was printed.

Printed Item Height: Displays the height of each item that was printed.

Number of Rows: Displays the number of rows on each page.

Number of Columns: Displays the number of columns on each page.


Performance Options

Allow Template Caching: Displays whether the print job allowed template caching.

Allow Graphic Caching: Displays whether the print job allowed graphic caching.

Allow Static Graphics: Displays whether the print job allowed static graphics.

Allow Serialization: Displays whether printer serialization was enabled during the print job.

Allow Static Objects: Displays whether the print job allowed static objects.

Allow Variable Optimization: Displays whether variable data optimization was enabled during the print job.

Warn When Using TrueType Fonts: Displays whether the Warn when using TrueType fonts option was enabled during the print job.


Object Print Methods

TrueType Text: Displays how TrueType fonts were printed.

Unsupported 1D Barcodes: Displays how one-dimensional barcodes that are not supported by the printer were printed.

Unsupported 2D Barcodes: Displays how two-dimensional barcodes that are not supported by the printer were printed.

Lines: Displays how line objects that are not supported by the printer were printed.

Boxes: Displays how box objects that are not supported by the printer were printed.

Ellipses: Displays how ellipse objects that are not supported by the printer were printed.


Media Handling Options

Action: Displays the media handling action that was taken after the item was printed.

Occurrence: Displays when the media handling action occurred.

Data Item Name: Displays the name that is used to reference the data item that triggered the media handling action.

Item Type: Displays the type of data that was used to trigger the media handling action.

Ignore Case: Displays whether the case of the data in the item type triggered a media handling event.

Number of Labels: Displays the number of labels that were printed before the media handling action occurred.


Print Setup Options

Log Print Job: Displays whether print job logging was enabled during the print job.

Auto Print Again: Displays whether the print job was automatically printed a second time.

Enable Print Code Modifier: Displays whether the print job allowed script modifications during the print job.

Print To File: Displays whether the print job was printed to file.

Output File Name: If Print To File is "yes," displays the file name of the printer code file.

Show Printer Code: Displays whether the system displayed the printer code after the print job finished.

Enable Data Entry: Displays whether data entry was enabled during the print job.

Refresh Databases: Displays whether the system refreshed the databases before the print job finished.

ClosedUsing the Status History Tab

The Status History tab displays the complete print job status history as the print job transitions from being created, to being spooled to the printer spooler, to being queued in the printer job queue, to being sent to the printer. Print job errors and cancellations are also shown.

When BarTender runs a print job, it stores status messages as fields in the database. You can view this information by adding or removing columns in the Status History tab of the Selected Print Job Details pane. The following information is stored about each status event in the BarTender System Database:

When you right-click a record, History Explorer displays the following options:

ClosedUsing the Job Messages Tab

The Job Messages tab displays all BarTender application messages that occurred during the course of the BarTender document print job. The information on this tab can be useful when you troubleshoot failed print jobs.

When an application in the BarTender Suite generates a message, it stores information about the message as fields in the BarTender System Database. When these messages are about a print job, you can view this information by adding or removing columns in the Job Messages tab. The following information is stored about each message in the BarTender System Database:

When you right-click a record, History Explorer displays the following options:

ClosedUsing the Reprint Labels Tab

The Reprint Labels tab displays details about the selected print job. By using the Reprint Labels tab, you can view the value of each data-sourced object for each printed item in the print job and reprint one or more items from the print job.

The Reprint Labels pane is divided into the item grid and the object grid.

Item Grid

The item grid displays all of the items that were printed during the selected print job. You can use the navigation bar at the bottom of the grid to locate specific items. To select items that you want to reprint, click to select the check box for each item in the Reprint column.

When BarTender prints a document, it stores information about each printed item in the BarTender System Database. You can view this information by adding or removing columns in the item grid.

The following fields are available:

When you right-click an item in the item grid on the Reprint Labels tab of the Selected Print Job Details pane, a context menu is displayed that you can use to reprint items. The following options are available:

Object Grid

The object grid displays information about each data-sourced template object that was printed on the selected item. You can use the navigation bar at the bottom of the grid to locate specific objects.

When BarTender prints a document, it stores information about each printed data-sourced object on each printed item in the BarTender System Database. You can view this information by adding or removing columns in the object grid.

The following fields are available:

ClosedConfiguring Column Properties

You can configure the properties of the columns on the Status History, Job Messages, and Reprint Labels tabs. To do this, right-click a column header to open the context menu. The options that are displayed vary depending on the tab in which the selected column is located and on the properties that are already configured.

The following options are available:

ClosedUsing the Navigation Bar

Use the navigation bar to quickly browse through the records in the pane.

  Moves to the previous record.

  Moves to the previous page of data.

  Moves to the first record.

  Moves to the next record.

  Moves to the next page of data.

  Moves to the last record.

ClosedHiding the Pane

You can hide the Selected Print Job Details pane by using one of the following methods:

To close the pane, click the icon in the top right corner of the pane.

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